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How can you remove yourself from a joint home loan

Joint loans are one of common home loans in india. As a joint loan reduces the risk of lending money to a person, most of the banks prefer to do this in home loan. But sometimes due to unfortunate events the joint borrower opt out from the loan such as in case of a divorce, death, relocation to different city and disputes between the two applicants resulted disagreements so in this case a co-applicant can opt out from the loan.

It’s a good idea if the co-applicant is alive then in this case you can communicate with your co-applicant and try to reach a conclusion or agreement between both before going to the banks.

How to remove the co-applicant name from a joint home loan agreement?

1. Assess the Situation

First, think about why you want to opt out and how it affects your finances. Check how it will impact your credit score, the remaining loan amount, and any legal or financial responsibilities you have as a co-borrower.

2. Communicate with Your Co-Borrower

Talk openly with your co-borrower about why you want to opt out. Discuss possible solutions together and reach a mutual agreement to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

3. Contact your lender to initiate the process

After talking with your co-borrower, inform the lender about your decision to opt out. Contact the bank or financial institution, explain your situation, and follow their guidance on different things.

Important point to note:

  • Not all banks will allow this process. It completely depends on the lender terms and conditions.

  • You should ask the lender for a Novation

What is Novation? Novation is a process where one party in a contract is replaced by a new party, or where a contract obligation is changed. That means it’s just a declaration that shifts the responsibility of repayment from two borrowers to one.

4. Show why you want to remove the name

You should clearly mention why your co-applicant wants to opt out for the loan such as divorce, death, disputes, relocation and any other mention in detail.

5. Prove that you can repay the loan alone

After receiving your notification the lender will start to evaluate your repayment capabilities such that they will check your credit score, financial obligations, income, age, job stability and many other things. So, it’s a good idea to prove yourself that you are capable of paying the loan

6. Finalizing

After evaluating carefully if banks are satisfied with the case, they will remove the co-applicant by signing in a legal document.

What if the bank denied the alive co-applicant from leaving?

1. You can start refinance your home loan with other lender

If anything doesn’t work at all with your current bank, then consider the option to refinance the home loan.
What is refinance? Refinancing a home loan means replacing your existing mortgage with a new one with a new lender, often with different terms. This can be done to get a lower interest rate, change the loan tenure, or switch from a floating to a fixed rate (or vice versa).

2. Sell the property

If neither you nor the co-borrower can keep up with the loan, selling the property is another option. The money from the sale can pay off the loan, and any leftover funds can be shared between the co-borrowers.


Step Description
Assess the Situation Evaluate the financial and personal reasons for opting out
Communicate with Co-Borrower Discuss the decision and reach a mutual agreement
Inform the Lender Contact the lender and explain the situation
Evaluate the Options Transfer the loan, add a new co-borrower, or sell the property
Complete Legal Formalities Ensure all necessary documents are signed and submitted


Opting out of a joint home loan can be complicated and needs careful planning. Understand why you want to opt out, talk openly with your co-borrower, and follow the required steps. You might transfer the loan, add a new co-borrower, or sell the property. Make sure all legal requirements are met. Also, keep an eye on your credit score after opting out to stay financially healthy.

How can EazyBankLoan help you in taking a loan? We understand the process of procuring a loan can be stressful. That is why we take care of your Loan application process, saving you time and hassle by handling the paperwork and communication with the loan providers.

Check the details here at EazyBankLoan

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I opt-out of a joint home loan without my co-borrower's consent?

  • No, you need your co-borrower's consent to opt-out of a joint home loan. Mutual agreement is essential to proceed with the opt-out process.

2. What happens to my credit score if I opt-out of a joint home loan?

  • Opting out of a joint home loan can impact your credit score. Ensure that the changes are accurately reflected in your credit report to avoid discrepancies.

3. Can I add a new co-borrower to a joint home loan?

  • Yes, you can add a new co-borrower if the remaining co-borrower cannot take on the entire loan. The new co-borrower must meet the lender's eligibility criteria.

4. What are the legal formalities involved in opting out of a joint home loan?

  • Legal formalities include submitting the loan transfer agreement, obtaining a no-objection certificate from the remaining co-borrower, and updating the loan agreement.

5. Is it better to sell the property if I cannot continue with the joint home loan?

  • Selling the property and refinance the loan is an option if neither you nor the co-borrower can continue with the loan. The sale proceeds can be used to repay the outstanding loan amount.

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